[Most popular] Naskah Drama
Hiroaki: What matters most is: Being part of the same academic community. A forbidden relationship between student and teacher. This is a height that seems to be within reach and, at same time, out of reach. That's why the teacher attribute has the power to increase your heroine charm by 40%. In fact, many times the teacher took the heroine's place in school love comedies and becomes the most popular one.
Sebagai buku pengantar, tentunya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para siswa sekolah menengah serta para mahasiswa jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, bahkan khalayak umum, sebagai dasar analisis ilmiah pada karya sastra. Disebut demikian karena dalam kerja analisis, seseorang harus memiliki pengetahuan dasar karya sastra secara umum terlebih dahulu yang diperoleh dari fenomena objektif karya sastra. Buku ini lebih terfokus pada bagaimana cara dan teknis dalam menyusun naskah drama. Pembaca diajak mengapresiasi yang kemudian masuk pada tahap demi tahap menulis naskah drama.
Literature is an imaginative work that uses language in a distinctive way. One of the forms is a drama script where most of the contents are in the form of dialogue. The conversations that occur between these characters become a form of communication to provide information and maintain good relations between speakers and hearers. In order for communication run well, effectively, and efficiently, there are rules known as the principle of cooperation. This principle often fails to be fulfilled in different forms and purposes This study aims to describe the form of flouting the maxim and the purpose of maxim flouting that occurred in the drama script Der Besuch der alten Dame by using the Grice Cooperation Principle theory. The method used in this study is a library and note-taking method. The results of this study found 94 data on maxim flout. The maxim of manner to be the maxim that is flouted the most with 26 data, followed by the maxim of quantity 25 data, maxim of relevance 23 data, and maxim of quality as much as 20 data.